

JP Holistic Nutrition Blog Posts

Dog parks, are they the best environment for some dogs, especially with reactive and anxiety issues and with no training in place?

Dog parks or similar environments could be causing reactive or nervous dogs to become worse by putting them in the same situation over again. 

                                           Stress and anxiety in dogs.


What causes stress and anxiety in dogs?


Sometimes it might seem like this negative behaviour comes out of nowhere, but it is usually brought on by some change in routine, environment, or activity. More owners are noticing anxiety in their dogs. Separation anxiety is one of the most common forms of anxiety in dogs, and this can affect dogs that have gone through trauma or have been abandoned in the past. This is a common with many rescue dogs, also dogs that haven’t had the correct training at the beginning of their life, and the role of genetics also plays a part in dogs’ behaviour.

  • 4 min read
As a dog trainer, I see this all the time, with owners and their dogs and this is why dog trainers end up being called out to help with many behavioural problems. It is normal to love your dog so much that you treat them as a member of the family, as another sibling or child who deserves all the affection you have to give. But could showering your dog with constant love and affection actually be smothering them?
  • 5 min read
The Festive period is upon us again and what an amazing time of year to be with your family and your dog who is obviously part of your family. Just like bonfire night, it is a good idea to start planning now for your dog, for example your dog may be nervous when visitors arrive and go over their threshold. 
  • 3 min read
Idiopathic Canine Shaker Syndrome (ICSS) is a condition involving generalized head and body tremors in dogs. Idiopathic means that the exact cause is unknown, and this disease disproportionately affects small white dogs such as West Highland White Terriers. The cerebellum, which is the part of the brain that controls coordination, and the regulation of voluntary muscular movement becomes inflamed, this is called cerebellitis. 
  • 4 min read
Many behavioural problems have a component of fear, anxiety, or excessive arousal so, that retraining cannot begin until they are in a calm and relaxed state, so that benefits can be achieved on cue. Training should focus on both the behavioural responses (sit, down and walk stay on your mat) as well as the emotional state (calm and relaxed).
  • 5 min read
Some dog owners believe that letting their puppy play with as many dogs as possible at a youthful age will make their puppy more sociable and friendly to people and other dogs. Letting them play with dogs you do not know in the park can be so damaging long term, especially if owners cannot read their own dogs body language. Your puppy can end up being bullied and chased by other dogs and this can end up having a negative effect on your puppy in the future
  • 5 min read
Separation anxiety in dogs is a very debilitating problem for dogs and it is  extremely upsetting for their owners. Here dog behaviourist from JP Holistic Nutrition, Justine Shone explains it causes and treatment.
  • 8 min read
